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  1. National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act (5/2008)
    Proposed amendment to the Compulsory specification for Motor Vehicles of Category N1(Regulation Gazettes, No 36486 (Government Notice No. 371))
  2. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Commencement(National Gazettes, No 36485 (Proclamation No. 12))
  3. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Application for approval of the acquisition or the holding of shares or any other interest in a market infrastructure(National Gazette No 36494)
  4. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Conditions applicable to the demutualisation of an exchange, central securities depository or independent clearing house(National Gazette No 36494)
  5. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Conditions applicable to the inclusion by an exchange of securities issued by it in its own list(National Gazette No 36494)
  6. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Accounting records to be maintained by a regulated person(National Gazette No 36494)
  7. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Determination of fit and proper requirements for market infrastructures(National Gazette No 36494)
  8. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Prescribed fees(National Gazette No 36494)
  9. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Penalties to be imposed by the registrar(National Gazette No 36494)
  10. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Matters to be reported on by auditor of a regulated person(National Gazette No 36494)
  11. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Report by a market infrastructure to the registrar(National Gazette No 36494)
  12. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Reporting of transactions in listed securities(National Gazette No 36494)
  13. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Conditions applicable to the amalgamation, merger, transfer or disposal of market infrastructures(National Gazette No 36494)
  14. Financial Markets Act (19/2012)
    Financial Services Board » Requirements applicable to the granting of a market infrastructure licence(National Gazette No 36494)
  15. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Act (49/2008)
    Commencement(National Gazette No 36512)
  16. Department of Public Service and Administration
    Draft Public Administration Management Bill » Invitation for Public Comment (National Gazette No 36521)
  17. Department of Mineral Resources
    Notice of Introduction of a Bill into Parliament(National Gazettes, No 36523 (General Notice No. 567)





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